September 20: On Location At Barber Bart's For Our LiVE it UP Interview
/LiVE it UP! hosted by Donna Drake was shooting at WILLiFEST and we were asked to be interviewed along with Jami Jackson, the singer and songwriter of "Let Love Live" (the song featured in the "Metropolicks Let Love Live" music video).
Photo credit: Maggie Law (Felicia Lin, Jami Jackson, Victor Scott Rodriguez)
Our photographer Maggie was on hand to take some photos of us on the set.
(Jami Jackson, Maggie Law)
Photo credit: Maggie Law (Jami Jackson)
Jami and her parents had come up from North Carolina for the interview. Her fiance was also there for moral support.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
The location of the interview was at Barber Bart in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Yes, we were in an actual barbershop! Before the interview we met the very dapper Barber Bart, the owner of Barber Bart.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
We gave Bart and Jami special sneak peak of Metropolicks on Felicia's iPad mini. No one to date has seen the entire contents of Metropolicks. Everyone will have to wait until the pre-order period ends on November 23 to see and read it in its entirely. But for now, you can download three chapters for FREE from iTunes and the iBookstore just search for "Metropolicks book" there.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Barber Bart was not your average barbershop- notice the pool table smack dab in the middle of the room!
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Look closely and you'll see the hairdryers and barber chairs in the background.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Here's a photo of one of the lighter moments with Robin, the director of the shoot before the interview.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
First we had to get "miked" for the interview. They actually had to run the microphone wire under our shirts.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
The camera crew was had a great sense of humor and really put us at ease. They actually made it fun to "get miked."
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Here's Robin prepping us before it was time for "Action!"
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Photo credit: Maggie Law
And... we're on!
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Photo credit: Maggie Law
It is always a bit nerve-wracking to have to speak with a camera rolling, but we all got through it fine.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
At ease after the interview.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Next Jami's parents Caesar and Sandra were interviewed by Howard Henley, guest host of LiVE it UP!
Photo credit: Maggie Law
They talked about how music has always been an important part of Jami's life, but that education always comes first. Jami is getting her PhD in statistics now. Howard did a really great job on the segment with Jami's parents.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
Afterward we enjoyed a few moments with Jami's parents.
Photo credit: Maggie Law
The interview will be on LiVE it UP! on UHETV. Stay tuned for details on when it will air.
Special thanks to: Maggie Law, our photographer who was there to photograph everything for us that day, Donna Drake and Howard Henley, the hosts of the LiVE it UP! show and Robin C. Adams, the director of the shoot.
And, just in case you still haven't watched the Metropolicks Let Love Live music video featuring Jami Jackson's song Let Love Live, you can watch it here: